Keeping members informed
25 July 2022

GLaWAC posts all notices concerning proposed works on native title lands to our website for rights holders to make comments if they wish.
This is an important part of the consultation and consent process under the Native Title (Prescribed Body Corporate) Regulations 1999.
Feedback is invited within four weeks of the mail-out date, and GLaWAC will always highlight where activities extinguish native title rights, although this is rarely the case.
Apart from native title obligations, the proponent of the proposed activity may also have obligations under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic). That means that GLaWAC may be able to use the notice of the proposed activity to ensure that the proponent complies with its legal obligations (if any) under that Act.
Head to…/know-your-rights/native-title/ to find out more and have your say about the current notices.