The Knob Reserve

Brayakaulung Country

Welcome to the Knob Reserve

The Knob was traditionally a common ground for the five clans of the Gunaikurnai. Aboriginal people would travel for days to join great meetings where they would feast, share information, trade goods and practice corroborees and other cultural ceremonies.

The Knob Reserve is a small but significant site on Brayakaulung Country, 3km from the township of Stratford, which is owned by the GunaiKurnai people and jointly managed by Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation and the Victorian Government.

In recognition of its significance to Gunaikurnai people, the Knob Reserve was chosen as the place where our 2010 Native Title determination was signed, and many family days and cultural festivals are still held at the site.

Because of the high concentration of artefacts in the Reserve and surrounding areas, our primary aim is to manage the impacts of users of the Knob Reserve in a way that protects our cultural heritage values and doesn’t cause harm.

The Knob Reserve is one of the fourteen jointly managed parks and reserves within Gippsland. 
The Joint Management Agreement recognises the fact that the Gunaikurnai people hold Native Title and maintain a strong connection to Country. As custodians of the land, they are the rightful people who speak for their Country. 
These parks and reserves are cultural landscapes that
continue to be part of Gunaikurnai living culture.

Booking the Knob Reserve

The Knob Reserve can be booked by community groups and individuals, subject to a license or permit being granted. 

Anyone can apply to book the Reserve for an event by completing the form below.

All permits are subject to standard terms and conditions designed to protect the values of the reserve, and bookings for large groups (30+) will require the permit holder to provide
temporary toilet facilities to accommodate their event. 

A fee of $100 will apply for all events that require a permit.

Please read FAQs below for more information.