Aboriginal Business Development Network (Gippsland)

Economic development driven by our community is the key to self-determination, self-management and economic prosperity, owning our own businesses
and determining our futures will lead to healing
and healthy families and communities.

The Aboriginal Economic Development Strategy for Gippsland aspires to facilitate and progress the economic development aspirations of the Gippsland Aboriginal Community and to support established businesses to grow and flourish.

Whilst GLaWAC is the host organisation for this strategy, it has been developed with a full invitation for the whole of Community, its organisations and Aboriginal business to contribute during the consultation phase.

We recognise that not everyone would have contributed given the limitations during COVID19 and that is why we have developed a ‘living strategy’ that will grow and allow ongoing engagement with those wishing to contribute to the economic future of Aboriginal Gippsland.

The Strategy has been designed to assist and promote opportunities for the Aboriginal Community of all ages and throughout Gippsland to make a significant contribution to the economic development of the region, drawing on the vibrant cultural heritage and knowledge systems, encouraging the Community to establish connections, partnerships, and collaborate in developing shared enterprises.

The skills and knowledge of Aboriginal people living in Gippsland can add significant value to the economic growth of the region particularly through the growth of key industry sectors such as Caring for Country, cultural tourism, environmental management, food and hospitality, and arts and design.