GKTOLMB – Who we are

The Gunaikurnai Traditional Owner Land Management Board (GKTOLMB) is a body corporate set up to help make sure the knowledge and culture of Gunaikurnai people is recognised in the management of Joint Managed parks and reserves.
The Board was established to prepare a Joint Management Plan (JMP) for the ten parks and reserves granted under the Recognition and Settlement Agreement (RSA) between the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) and the Victorian Government dated 22 October 2010.
The JMP was approved by the Minister in September 2018. Since then, the Board has worked with partners to the JMP on implementation of the plan, and to establish systems for the compliance, monitoring and evaluation of the plan.
The plan acknowledges that the Traditional Owners of Country have for generations been alienated from their Country including management decisions about the appropriate management of Country.
The Board provides strategic direction for the joint management of the Appointed Land to enable the knowledge and culture of the Gunaikurnai people to be recognised in the management of Country and to foster employment and economic development opportunities for Gunaikurnai.
The plan will lead to better outcomes for Gunaikurnai people through protection of Culture and healing of Country. In turn this provides enhanced visitor experiences for all people.

Our Vision
For the Gunaikurnai people to be leading the care of their Country every day.
Our Role
Our role is to work together to advance pathways that return Country to Gunaikurnai leadership.
The Gunaikurnai people’s interests are represented by the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC). The Gunaikurnai Traditional Owner Land Management Board (TOLMB) supports GLaWAC in partnering with government to transform land back into Country. They do this, together, on behalf of the Gunaikurnai people.
Goals and Objectives
Gunaikurnai People Caring for Country
– To advocate for all public land to be returned to Gunaikurnai Country and effectively support the care of Country through the Joint Management Plan.
– To partner with Government to remove policy, legislation, language and attitudinal barriers to Gunaikurnai people caring for Country.
Gunaikurnai people share knowledge with the people who live on and visit Country
– To grow the workforce for all roles that work on Country.
– To ensure all people working on Country respect, listen and learn from Gunaikurnai people.
– To support Gunaikurnai people to excel in leadership roles.
Gunaikurnai People Leading Change
– To ensure Country has appropriate facilities to support the sharing of cultural knowledge.
– To use Gunaikurnai language to describe Country and share cultural knowledge.
– To create opportunities for Gunaikurnai and non-Gunaikurnai people to experience and celebrate Country.
Gunaikurnai people have long term, sustainable funding in place to care for Country
– To secure long term funding agreements with Government that support Gunaikurnai to lead and manage all people working on Country.
– To support Gunaikurnai people to develop income streams that contribute to the ongoing care of Country.
– To explore innovative models for income generation.
The values and principles the GKTOLMB operate by are:
- We encourage and value leadership by example, creativity and new ideas.
- We serve the good of all Gunaikurnai.
- We are persistent in supporting the journey for Gunaikurnai towards self-determination and social justice.
- We listen to understand all views before judgement and decision making.
- We demonstrate courage and integrity in all we do.
- We encourage and value teamwork.
- We are empowered to respectfully challenge and speak with candour and are committed to resolving conflict.
- We value strong and enduring partnerships.
- Engaging and consultative processes are integral to the way we work.
The functions of the Board are:
- To comment or make submissions on matters affecting or concerning the use or management of the Appointed Land;
- To prepare policies about the Board and its operation and engagement with external parties;
- Those management functions that are conferred on the Board by agreement under any Act under which the Appointed Land is managed;
- Those management functions that are delegated to the Board by a person or body who has those management functions in relation to the Appointed Land; and
- To carry out such other functions as are conferred on the Board by the Act or the Minister by notice published in the Government Gazette (Determination 2 August 2012).
The Gunaikurnai Traditional Owners’ strong connection with the land has been legally recognised in the Recognition and Settlement Agreement and it will enable them to jointly manage the 14 parks and reserves.
These environments, including the forest, rivers, beaches, plants and animals, are all part of Country and the cultural identity of the Gunaikurnai. They are valued for the environment and as a vital part of contemporary Aboriginal culture. Protecting, managing and enjoying the land are an important part of this connection and responsibility.
This settlement agreement is a first for Victoria and recognises Gunaikurnai people’s strong connections and understanding of the land and waterways over thousands of years. Joint Management will ensure the Gunaikurnai play a central role in managing these parks in the future.
The Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) is the recognised Traditional Owner Group entity representing Gunaikurnai people under the Traditional Owners Settlement Act.
The Gunaikurnai Traditional Owner Land Management Board (GKTOLMB) is a body corporate set up to help make sure the knowledge and culture of Gunaikurnai people is recognised in management of the JM parks.
While GLaWAC and the GKTOLMB are separate organisations, they are working closely together in partnership on developing the joint management plan, along with Parks Victoria and the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
What our Elders fought for
Our Board
The Board is led by a Chairperson nominated by GLaWAC and appointed by the Minister for Environment.
The Board currently consists of six members nominated by GLaWAC and four community members, one of which is nominated by the Secretary of DELWP. The Board operates by holding bi-monthly board meetings.
The Gunaikurnai members of the Board have a strong connection to the Appointed Land and lifelong experience and knowledge of their cultural heritage. The Board as a whole has a broad skills base with considerable understanding and experience in corporate governance, land and water management and business management.
The Board is supported by Executive Officer Craig Parker and Project Officer, Rob Willersdorf.
Need to contact the GKTOLMB?
Gunaikurnai Traditional Owner Land Management Board
Email: eo@gktolmb.org.au | Post: PO Box 1012, Bairnsdale VIC 3875
Corporate Documents
Annual Reports
Joint Management Plans
Governance Documents