Our Economy
Traditional Owners have always been business people. Prior to colonisation, we were successfully conducting commerce and trade over countless generations through trading routes that traversed a diverse geographic landscape.
It’s time to reconnect.
We want strong and productive relationships with government and partners so that we can put Aboriginal business back in Aboriginal hands, and develop our unique knowledge and experience to grow opportunities for our community.
With many exciting projects in development across Country, GLaWAC continues to pursue economic opportunities to support employment and prosperity for our mob.
A strong Aboriginal business sector is an important factor in empowering our communities and will contribute significantly to self-determination, wealth creation, and health and well-being.
We want Aboriginal business in Aboriginal hands and to be able to apply our unique cultural lens to grow sustainable opportunities in agriculture and fishing, tourism and the arts, services and trades, and renewable energy and healing Country.
There is a long journey ahead, a journey that is integral to meet the aspirations of the Gunaikurnai Whole of Country Plan and to ensure the health and wellbeing of our mob.
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Check out some of the opportunities for you, mob

Business Benefit Fund
GLaWAC provides business support, together with a range of sponsorship and education scholarship opportunities for members and community initiatives.