Elders & Members

We are Gunaikurnai, the first people of our Country. We have survived for tens of thousands of years, often against great adversity. We have looked after Country and passed on our stories and traditions through countless generations. We continue to survive and thrive, maintaining connection to our Country and to our Ancestors.

Elders Council

The 2023 Elders’ Council comprises Elders who are members of GLaWAC and appointed by the descendants of each identified Apical Ancestor. The Elders’ Council come together throughout the year to provide advice on cultural matters to the organisation, and to attend cultural events. GLaWAC acknowledges the contribution of our current and past Elders’ Council members.

The current Elders’ Council members are:
Aunty Lena Morris (Chair),
Aunty Beryl Booth,
Aunty Deanna Campbell,
Aunty Diann Hurren,
Aunty Glenys Watts,
Aunty Gwen Hudson,
Aunty Julie Mongta,
Uncle Kevin Murray
Aunty Lee-Anne Eddington,
Aunty Maria Harrison,
Aunty Marianne Atkinson,
Aunty Marion Flo Hood,
Aunty Noretta Knight,
Aunty Raylene Young &
Uncle Reg Thorpe.

Supporting Our Members

Community Benefit Fund

Do you need a little support with school uniforms, camp costs or tools for your trade? Maybe you’re looking to get your small business idea off the ground?

GLaWAC provides business support, together with a range of sponsorship and education scholarship opportunities for members and community initiatives.

Funeral Assistance

GLaWAC can provide assistance towards the funeral costs of a Gunaikurnai person to help alleviate the financial burden placed on families of the deceased as a result of funeral expenses.

Rights for Gunaikurnai to natural resources

Under the Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA), Gunaikurnai do not have to obtain a permit or licence, or pay a fee to fish, take game or hunt, gather firewood or camp on land and waters where we have native title.

Collection of Natural Resources
In relation to fishing, taking game or fauna, or gathering firewood, Gunaikurnai will still have to comply with the relevant bag limits, size limits, location or seasonal restrictions, that would normally be part of a permit or licence.

The collection of natural resources is allowed for personal use only. You are not allowed to collect natural resources or firewood to sell.

If Gunaikurnai want to collect other types of natural resources, you will need to reach agreement with the State first. To do this you need to write to the State (or ask GLaWAC to write on your behalf) with information about what you would like to collect.

If granted permission, the State may put restrictions on this resource collection, e.g. a certain quantity at a certain place/s at a particular time of the year – similar to the bag limits and seasonal restrictions that apply to various types of fish under a fishing licence.

Gunaikurnai are also exempt from obtaining a permit or paying a fee for camping. This only applies to public camping grounds where we have native title, not privately owned or operated camping grounds or caravan parks.

If the public camping grounds is one which requires you to use a booking system, Gunaikurnai will still need to be part of that system. This means you must book the campsite, even though you do not pay camping fee.

You will also have to comply with camping rules and regulations, such as cleaning up and taking all your camping gear with you when you leave.

Non-Gunaikurnai Spouses and Partners
The permit, licence and fee exemptions only apply to Gunaikurnai as they are the native title holders. Therefore, non-Gunaikurnai spouses and partners are still required to have a permit or licence and pay the relevant fees.

Note: Parks VIC (PV), Department Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), and Victorian Fisheries Authority staff may ask for proof of identification, and they may also call GLaWAC to confirm you are Gunaikurnai.

How to become a Member?

Aboriginality and or Membership Application form

To apply for an identity card and to overcome any fraudulent activities among our community, the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) has set some stringent guidelines for how these cards will be issued.

These guidelines will also assist agencies like DELWP and Parks VIC who are responsible for ensuring the correct people are undertaking the correct activities.

Complete the application form in full below or download a copy here and return to GunaiKurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) at 27 Scriveners Road, Kalimna West VIC 3909 or email to admin@glawac.com.au

Please note that the form cannot be processed unless all relevant requirements are filled in.

Share your voice

Gunaikurnai members, make your voice heard.

We invite you to get involved in one of GLaWAC ‘s Board sub-committees, or you may prefer to be part of a Knowledge Holder group and yarn about what matters to you about culture and Country.

You can contact GLaWAC at any time on 5152 5100 to share your knowledge or simply fill out the form below.

Opportunities to get involved include:

Native Title Cultural Heritage (NTCHSC)
Support the Board in a timely manner with recommendations and/or resolutions for Native Title and Cultural Heritage.

Economic Development (EDSC)
Support the Board and management in development and planning of economic opportunities.

Audit, Risk & Finance (ARFSC)
Support the Board and management in the development, planning implementation of financial risk audits, policies and procedures.

Our Country
Advise the Board for On Country/environmental policy development.
(Note: the GKTOLM Board deals with Joint Management issues).

Fire Knowledge Holder Group

Water Knowledge Holder Group

22nd October, 2021 marked the 10th Anniversary of our Native Title Settlement.
Reflect on some of the voices who have brought us here today.