Aboriginal Business Development Network (Gippsland)
Economic development driven by our community is the key to self-determination, self-management and economic prosperity, owning our own businesses and determining our futures will lead to healing and healthy families and communities.
The Aboriginal Economic Development Strategy for Gippsland aspires to facilitate and progress the economic development aspirations of the Gippsland Aboriginal Community and to support established businesses to grow and flourish.
Whilst GLaWAC is the host organisation for this strategy, it has been developed with a full invitation for the whole of Community, its organisations and Aboriginal business to contribute during the consultation phase.
The Strategy is designed to assist and promote opportunities for the Aboriginal Community of all ages and throughout Gippsland to make a significant contribution to the economic development of the region, drawing on the vibrant cultural heritage and knowledge systems, encouraging the Community to establish connections, partnerships, and collaborate in developing shared enterprises.
Getting down to business
The Aboriginal Economic Development Strategy for Gippsland drives the growth and success of Aboriginal businesses, empowering community to achieve their economic aspirations.
GLaWAC actively supports this vision by providing opportunities, resources, and tailored assistance to help Aboriginal entrepreneurs and established businesses thrive.
Building on the Legacy
The purpose of the Aboriginal Economic Development Strategy for Gippsland is to facilitate and progress the economic development aspirations of the Gippsland Aboriginal Community and to support established businesses to grow and flourish.
A strong Aboriginal business sector is an important factor in empowering Aboriginal communities and contributes significantly to self-determination, wealth creation, and health and well-being.
We are witnessing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led economic development across Australia in many forms through the establishment and growth of not for profit and profit driven Aboriginal and Torres Strait organisations.
These organisations are creating employment and training opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, building their skills, acting as role models and creating pathways, particularly for young people, to establish their own businesses.
As businesses grow and develop, they allow the next generation of entrepreneurs to step forward. Over time, this strengthens the economic position of Aboriginal communities.
The success of this strategy will require the transfer of power and resources to communities through robust pathways that support school leavers to understand and support their future economic security and builds leaders who can step into all sectors to promote the value of Aboriginal contribution to economic growth.
This in part will be achieved through local Community pathway initiatives but ultimately this transformation will occur through partnerships with mainstream services who are willing to commit to employment targets, succession planning and inclusive policies and strategies.
Strategy at a Glance
The Strategy has been developed based on the strengths of the Community and what is required to ensure its success. The following values have been adopted based on input from many community members and other stakeholders and interest groups and are as follow:
+ Cultural knowledge and skills about caring for Country belong to and are the exclusive territory of Aboriginal people.
+ Connecting to Country is an important contributor to the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people and their ability to live prosperous lives.
+ The importance of providing inclusive and culturally safe spaces is needed for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people to heal the divides of the past and work together to achieve individual and collective business goals.
+ Self-determination is a central component to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s ability to freely determining their political status and pursuing their economic, social and cultural development.
+ Sharing skills and knowledge between Aboriginal people, organisations and Traditional Owner groups and non-Aboriginal people is critical to ensuring the benefits of economic growth across Gippsland are shared equitably.
Business Support
A range of support programs will be developed to help overcome the barriers that stop people from starting a business, particularly during the idea and start-up phase as this is where culturally appropriate and professional advice is hard to access, and
community are reluctant to pursue mainstream business programs and other opportunities.
The Strategy has been designed to improve communication and engagement with existing and potential Aboriginal business owners, with the view to increase skills, knowledge, and confidence in decision making and risk management.
The goals that will enable the action to be realised are:
+ Provide a range of training and information sessions on business ownership for Community members exploring pathways and options for business ownership
+ Establish partnerships and collaborations with existing organisations and businesses who provide a range of supports to build business capability and success particularly in the Indigenous business sector
+ Provide and facilitate access to culturally appropriate and informed support such as business planning, mentoring and coaching, networking, and start up and capital funding relevant to all stages in the business life cycle to help businesses to build skills and grow.
+ Support ACCOs to build their community enterprise capability.