Water for Gunaikurnai Country
12 November 2020
Did you hear the news? GLaWAC, on behalf of our members, will receive two gigalitres of unallocated water in the Mitchell River.
This is a momentous outcome for the Gunaikurnai that recognises the importance of gaining rights to water to restore customary practices, protect cultural values and uses, gain economic independence and heal Country.
We see this as an enormous first step to achieving the water objectives of the Gunaikurnai, and we thank the Victorian Government who we have been working closely with since it released the ‘Water for Victoria’ policy.
Securing water rights for the Gunaikurnai puts the ‘Water’ into our Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation for the first time, and we thank all our partners in Government and the local community for their support.
We look forward to yarning with the Gunaikurnai Community and being able to self-determine how and where the water can help achieve priorities for healthy Country and healthy mob.