Policy Matters
GLaWAC has a responsibility to get the Gunaikurnai voice heard and included in government decision making. Your voice is important and we encourage you to have your say by getting involved in one of our Board sub-committees or reference groups, and share your knowledge on our journey to self-determination.
Renewable Energy
The Federal Government has proposed an area in Commonwealth waters off Gippsland for offshore renewable energy projects.
The proposed area borders land and waters over which the Gunaikurnai people hold Native Title, and the State has entered into an agreement with Gunaikurnai people under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010.
It is important to note that while Commonwealth waters start three nautical miles from the coastline, the proposed area does take in the seabed which, in recent archaeological history, was occupied by our Ancestors.
GLaWAC has made a submission to Government to ensure that you mob are well represented in this proposal (see below), and that the rights and views of the Traditional Owners of Country are respected and understood.
We will continue to provide members with relevant updates on renewable energy development projects as they gain pace.
If you have an interest in these projects, please contact Tanya Taylor, General Manager of Economic Development, on 5152 5100.
Fingerboards Mineral Sands Mine
In 2021, GLaWAC members clearly opposed the development of a mineral sands mine at the Fingerboards near Bairnsdale, reflecting the widespread lack of support across the region.
You can find the submissions outlining these concerns below.
Gippsland Critical Minerals (formerly Kalbar) recently invited us to join their Community Reference Group. We declined, as our position remains unchanged.
However, we acknowledge that some members may wish to engage individually, and we encourage everyone to stay informed, as this project has generational impacts for Country and community.
GLaWAC remains committed to advocating for its members and the broader Aboriginal community. We are actively monitoring this development and will provide updates as needed.
To our members, please get in touch if you have questions or concerns or want to share your thoughts on this issue.
Gunaikurnai need access to water to restore customary practices, protect cultural values and uses and ownership for self-determination. To pave the way to self-determination, how water is shared and managed by Government needs to change.
GLaWAC is working alongside DELWP on a number of projects, including how to plan for and share water in the future (Sustainable Water Strategy), and both cultural values and uses and water for economic development, under the State Government Aboriginal Water Policy.
GLaWAC has been yarning a fair bit over the last couple of years about water and we want to hear your ideas.
If you want to be involved in the Water Knowledge Holder Group and share your views about how water is managed on your Country, please fill out the form above and GLaWAC will get in touch.
Our commuinity was in the thick of the devastation of the fires in Gippsland, from fighting on the fire fronts, to protecting our assets and cultural heritage at Forestec, to helping each other heal in the aftermath.
Our three priorities are Fire response, Fire recovery and Healing Country.
With bushfire recovery projects up and running, we’re starting to yarn about ways to heal Country and community.
GLaWAC has an approved governance structure on how we will have a strong voice into Government regarding Fire Recovery and future Country Management. Here are some key updates on where we are in the fire space.
Public Land Review
The Victorian Government is looking to update it’s public land legislation, by creating a new Public Land Act.
DELWP have recently developed a discussion paper to set out initial proposals for enabling self-determination in the renewal of the legislation, for discussion with Traditional Owners.
You can read the proposal below.
Traditional Owners, including GLaWAC, are currently pushing to enhance and strengthen the outcomes of this review.
As with any of these policy matters, we welcome community input or advice.
Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation
What’s going to happen to the Valley coal mines once they close is a huge issue for GLaWAC.
There’s a lot of talk about filling them with water – what do you want to see?
The Victorian Government has announced an Environmental Effects Statement into the Hazelwood mine rehabilitation.
GLaWAC has been meeting with Government and has made public submissions to express our views on behalf of our members. The most recent submission (below) was in response to questions and answers posed by the Government.
If you want to talk to GLaWAC about the Latrobe mines rehabilitation, reach out. We’ve been having meetings on Country to talk through what mine rehabilitation might mean for GLaWAC, and will be developing a position statement.
Forest Cultural Values and Uses
Our people have deep knowledge of, and an inherent responsibility to look after Country. We take only what we need and know to leave some for others.
GLaWAC is exploring how best to communicate cultural values and uses to State Government so Gunaikurnai priorities are fully considered in forest management decision making.
Community sharing knowledge about plants with cultural values and uses, and being able to monitor plants of cultural significance is a way to yarn about the health of cultural landscapes being impacted by changes in the way land is currently being used.
Gunaikurnai have a cultural obligation to look after Country, though we understand that we currently have to work within the whitefella laws of land management.
GLaWAC are working to influence policy areas that manage forests and make sure government know how our members want forests managed in the future.
Mobs around Victoria, chaired by former GLaWAC CEO Roger Fenwick, signed off the Cultural Landscape Strategy to provide clear direction to Government, and tools for Mobs.
The Victorian Government’s Forest Management Planning for East Gippsland and Gippsland is about to start – it’s been on hold following the fires.
We encourage all members to get involved in one of our sub-committees or reference groups, and come along to yarning sessions and on Country visits to share your knowledge and make your voice heard about these important matters.
First Principles Review
GLaWAC is working with other Traditional Owners and the state in reviewing the components of Traditional Owners Settlement Act. This is separate to the review of the Gunaikurnai Settlement Agreement which our Elders and Board have commenced and has been previously shared in our members magazine.
Wildlife Act Review
The Wildlife Act 1975 sets the rules around how native animals are protected, managed or used in Victoria is currently being independently reviewed to bring it into step with modern day views and practices.
In Victoria, two pathways allow Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians to use wildlife. The Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), for example, allows Native Title holders to hunt, fish, gather or conduct cultural activities. And Traditional Owners acting under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (Vic) may be authorised to take native wildlife and game resources without an authorisation or licence and are exempt from most offences under the Wildlife Act.
However, these pathways do not cover the wildlife related cultural activities of all Traditional Owners or Aboriginal Victorians. Nor do they support commercial use of wildlife.
GLaWAC have provided input into the review which you can read below. You can also read the Panel Issues Paper to find out more about the full scope of the review.
How to have a say
If you would like to provide input, share knowledge on these matters, or if you are interested in joining one of our Board sub-committees or reference groups, please send us a message using the form below.