Our Yarns
Voice Treaty Truth
28 August 2023
GLaWAC supports the Federal Government’s commitment to recognise the First Peoples of Australia through a change to the Constitution, while respecting the individual views held by our members and their right to vote how they choose.
Water for life, and now for the Knob Reserve
17 July 2023
“As Traditional Owners, we have a responsibility to care for Country and protect our cultural values and heritage." That's what Cath Thomas, Chair of the Knob Reserve Committee of Management reckons,...
NAIDOC Community Day 2023
12 July 2023
Wowsers, what a day! A huge thanks to everyone able to make it out to the Knob Reserve for our NAIDOC Community Day. It was so good seeing everyone come together on Country -and we're stoked to be able...
Everyone’s a winner
10 July 2023
We're so proud to show off the amazing artwork from our NAIDOC 'For Our Elders' kids design competition! So many deadly creations, and even though only four drawings could make it onto our NAIDOC tees,...
GLaWAC’s Reserved Seat on First People’s Assembly
1 June 2023
GLaWAC’s Reserved Seat First People’s Assembly. Due to Sorry Business the General Meeting called by the Board of Directors has been cancelled. The meeting was to select a GLaWAC member to be GLaWAC’s Reserved Member for the First People’s Assembly of Victoria (‘the Assembly’).
GLaWAC News Merbuck 2023
17 May 2023
Read the memoirs of the Old People, hear how the shift to renewable energy could impact you, and check in on how to get involved in all things Sea Country.
Oyster Update
10 May 2023
If you've been wondering how our oyster trials with the Victorian Fisheries Authority have been going, Kade from the On Country crew is here to give you an update.
Get your creative on for NAIDOC
11 April 2023
Here's one for the kids looking to get creative these school holidays! We want you to design our t-shirts for this years NAIDOC Family Day on July 6th.
Welcome to Talikatoor
5 April 2023
Our people have a deep and longstanding connection to the Gippsland Lakes; our Ancestors having been travelling across these lands and waters for generations.
Nanjet needs your Voice
Sunday 2nd April - Wednesday 5th April
We're inviting you mob to come and visit Nanjet to see the place for yourself and be part of the conversation.