Page 4 of 290 results.
A new cultural trail for Buchan
Kicking off work on the new Cultural Trail at Buchan Caves Reserve with a smoking, courtesy of Alfie Hudson from our NRM team. The tr... -
Gunya Yanakie Nanjet Brataualung
GLaWAC, on behalf of our members, has purchased a 103-hectare parcel of land in Yanakie, South Gippsland, next to Yiruk Wamoon (Wilso... -
Our Economy
Traditional Owners have always been business people. Prior to colonisation, we were successfully conducting commerce and trade over c... -
Digital Literacy Course
As part of nation-building efforts to make sure community members are ready for Treaty talks, GLaWAC is running a series of hands-on ... -
Virtual NAIDOC March
We can’t march together this NAIDOC Week but we’re still going to march! We’ll be celebrating with a virtual March ... -
Lake Tyers Camping & Access Strategy Released
The new Camping and Access Strategy for Lake Tyers State Park has been released, detailing the approach to protect the park’s c... -
GLaWAC Annual General Meeting 2022
All members of the corporation are advised that the 2022 Annual General Meeting of the members of the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Abo... -
Mitchell River planting
Our NRM crew were out caring for Country on the banks of the Mitchell River last week, working with the East Gippsland Catchment Mana... -
Working together to build a new wetland
Many hands have made light work at a newly constructed wetlands in Broadlands where the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corpor... -
Have your say – CATSI Act Review Phase 2 Consultation
GLaWAC is just one of more than 3,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations around the country who support our community...