Yarns and Events

Fire Knowledge Holder

14 September 2021

Fire has always been an intrinsic and symbolic part of our connection to Country, to each other and to the spiritual world. Cultural Fire, therefore, can be seen as a pathway to restoring traditional...

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Cultural Landscape Strategy released

1 September 2021

Traditional Owner Cultural Landscape Strategy Poster Traditional Owners know how to care for Country. The release of the Victorian Traditional Owner Cultural Landscape Strategy provides our partners...

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Hard fought road to self-determination

7 August 2021

The GunaiKurnai Native Title determination in 2010 was a historic moment. This determination, along with the Traditional Owner settlement agreements that we entered into on the same day, have provided...

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Lake Tyers Camping & Access Strategy Released

6 July 2021

The new Camping and Access Strategy for Lake Tyers State Park has been released, detailing the approach to protect the park’s cultural and environmental values while improving facilities and opportunities...

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How GLaWAC deals with Exploration Licence Applications

1 July 2021

GLaWAC advises that the deadline for comment regarding Victorian Goldfields Exploration Licence has been extended to 19 July 2021. In line with the infographic, cultural heritage assessments have...

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Cultural Insights

17 June 2021

GLaWAC is working hard to fulfil the goals and aspirations of our Elders as set out in the Gunaikurnai Whole of Country Plan.   We invite our non-indigenous friends to share our journey toward self-determination...

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GLaWAC NAIDOC Community Day

11am - 3pm, Thursday 8th July 2021

Who's getting excited for NAIDOC Week already?! With Covid restrictions easing we're hoping to see all you mob down at the Knob Reserve for a community family day on Country with plenty of food and...

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Victorian Goldfields Exploration Licence Application

31 May 2021

Your voice is important.   GLaWAC receives numerous exploration licence applications every year for exploration on Gunaikurnai native title-determined land. Under the Native Title Act, GLaWAC has a...

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Aboriginal employment in the spotlight

16 May 2021

There was plenty happening on Gunaikurnai Country last week with GLaWAC hosting the third meeting of the Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Council; and a visit from Employment Minister Jaala...

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Full Group Meeting

10am - 3pm, Saturday 24th April 2021

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